
Watching Kids Ain’t Easy

UNITED STATES—Look, I’m not a parent, but I have endured the chaos of watching kids, particularly my nieces and nephews throughout my lifetime. I’ve been deemed the cool uncle who spoils them relentlessly; they know if they can’t get it from their parents they might be able to get it from me. With that being said, I’ve learned a...

Spend Smarter, Shop Smarter

UNITED STATES—I have to be the first to admit that I have not been at the top of my game lately. How so? I’ve been eating quite unhealthy and it’s not because I want to, but because my schedule has been so hectic I don’t have the time needed to properly do what I KNOW I should be doing....

College Admissions Scandal Fallout

UNITED STATES—By now, most of you are well aware that actress Felicity Huffman has been sentenced in her role in the college admissions scandal where she paid someone off to alter the SAT scores for her daughter to help her get into an elite college. Yes, when the news first broke several months ago it left many people quite...

Is Going Paperless Worth It?

UNITED STATES—In our current society it seems everything is online nowadays. People pay their bills online; everything seems to be more convenient and easier if you utilize a desktop, laptop, cellphone or tablet. With that being said, I ask the question: what do you do if technology falters? Yup, it happens and it can place you in a dicey...

Keeping Up With Technology Trends

UNITED STATES—Tuesday, September 10 was a big day for Apple as they announced details regarding new products including the latest cellphone amongst other things. This got me thinking: why are we always so eager to get our hands on the latest technology? By now, you all know about apple unveiling its latest model of the iPhone, iPhone 11 which...

Cathartic Release Of Frustration

UNITED STATES—When was the last time that you screamed? How about the last time you just said exactly what you felt without any repercussions? For many Americans that is a rarity and I don’t think it’s because we are afraid to do it, it’s because we wonder how people will perceive us. Yes, we are a society where everyone...

Getting Better Sleep

UNITED STATES—The past two weeks have been one hell of a challenge for me. If there is one thing I value more than family, it is sleep. I’m an early bird; have been since I was a kid, will probably be until the day that I die. However, anyone who knows me is well aware, that I need a...

Study Overload

UNITED STATES—With school being back in session that means one thing: studying is a must. Rather you’re in grade school, middle school, high school, an undergraduate, graduate student or doctoral student, studying is part of your curriculum. There are some people who study with ease, and there are those who have a constant struggle to focus and balance studying...

Blatant Racism

UNITED STATES—I could not believe the video that a family member sent me last week of a woman running for a city council seat in the town of Marysville, Michigan. It left me appalled, shocked and just speechless. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, I have no idea where you have been hiding, but Jean Cramer, has...

Back To School Mayhem

UNITED STATES—Parents rejoice, the time of the year that we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived. School is back in session and I know some parents are ecstatic about that. Why? Summer seemed to go quicker than I expected. It was like in some parts of the country it took longer than normal to arise and then out...
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