
Cooking Made Easy

UNITED STATES—Let’s be frank, most Americans cannot stand the idea of preparing a meal in the kitchen. It’s never easy to craft a dish in the kitchen, but preparation is the key word. The more you prep the easier it is to craft the dish that you want to cook. I recently heard someone talk about meal prepping for...

High School Vs. College: Which Is Better?

UNITED STATES—It has been a debate people have discussed for years America, I mean literal years. Is high school or college some of the best times of your life? I know so many people who would argue its high school because you’re not an adult, you have no responsibilities and you’re just living life as some people would say....

Irresistible Temptations

UNITED STATES—As Americans, many of us would like to believe we have the ability to not indulge in temptations that could be potentially bad for our health. For me, its sweets, however, I’m not always craving something sweet, but I do like baked goods at times, particularly cake and fresh cookies. Let me be clear I’m not the person...

Silence Is Indeed Golden!

UNITED STATES—I’m asked on a constant basis by so many people, why aren’t you more talkative? You seem to be pensive and in a state of thought all the time. Look, I’m not the most sociable person, but I socialize when it best suits me. I’m someone who is more observant of my surroundings more than anything America. I scope...

Fake Co-Workers

UNITED STATES—I am someone who has a difficult time smiling in the face of co-workers who I find fake. What do I mean when I say fake? It’s a difficult term to describe at times, but it’s someone who is inauthentic. In other words, you know when a ploy is in place. I think I can read people well...

Why Are Millennials Punching Bags?

UNITED STATES—I feel like sometimes millennials are treated like punching bags for most Americans. A lot of the chaos that takes place in the world is a direct result of millennials. Look, you cannot place a label on all millennials and group them together. We are NOT all the same; we don’t behave the same and think alike. To...

Changing The Date Of Halloween, Really?!

UNITED STATES—What the hell is this craziness America? A petition to change the official date of Halloween which is October 31 to the last Saturday in the month of October sounds ridiculous. I mean the thought that this is even a thing has me laughing thru my teeth. For years, and I mean years, Halloween has always been on the...

Fighting For A Decent Minimum Wage

UNITED STATES—The battle is back yet again in Congress as the House of Representatives have passed a bill to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15.00 per hour. Do I think it will make any waves in the Senate? Not a chance, but hearing that the minimum wage has not risen in over 10 years is...

Stop Being Innocent Bystanders!

UNITED STATES—Something that really disturbs me about Americans is our inability at times to do what is right even though we know people are constantly or always watching. Like why do we have to be called out to address bad behavior when we see it? Hmm, this reminds me of a theory we learned in psychology known as the...

Making A Major Lifestyle Change

UNITED STATES—In life, sometimes you have to take a moment and re-examine what is going on in your life. A lot of the time when people discuss lifestyle changes they assume it is geared mainly to eating and dieting. While I think that is one aspect of life that is important it is not the only one. A diet...
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