
Open Your Eyes

UNITED STATES—Have you ever been in a position where you know something is wrong, but for reasons you cannot fathom you refuse to open your eyes to see what is staring you directly in the face? I know I’m not the only person. We all have those ‘moments’ where the light is shined on you. You see or realize...

Personal Time Off

UNITED STATES—We all need it and for so many Americans we don’t always get it. Personal time off: it is where you just disconnect from work, family and any stressors in your life. Some people might suspect this column is geared towards taking time off from work, and while true, that is not the sole focus. It is no...

Health Regimen 101

UNITED STATES—A lot of us take our health for granted. We really don’t think about what we’re eating, why we’re eating it and rather it is healthy for us. It sometimes takes someone we truly care about getting deftly ill for us to realize, “Hey we might have to make some changes to our diet.” I mean I like...

Life Is Too Unpredictable!

UNITED STATES—I always say life will test you in ways sometimes that you never expect. Things are thrown in your direction that you never expected. I don’t know what to say about the past few weeks, with work (not one job, but two), school, family, death and so much more, I can’t believe I’m still standing. I pride myself...

Money Spent Wisely

UNITED STATES—I am a firm believer that when it comes to money, as soon as you get it, the quicker it disappears. It seems like the more I work the more bills I have or things just unexpectedly arise that I never expected. I’m a planner first and foremost. When it comes to income I always want to know...

Dads Matter Too America!

UNITED STATES—Mother’s Day was in May, and June celebrates Father’s Day. I think Father’s Day is a day that is not as highly celebrated as it should be. Yes, moms absolutely matter, but guess what America: dads should be honored too. It seems we place way more emphasis on Mother’s Day then we do for Father’s Day and I...

Good Customer Service Matters!

UNITED STATES—We have talked countless times in the past about how bad customer service tends to transpire at many of our favorite retailers, companies that provide services and so much more. When you have a bad experience it totally frustrates you in a way that makes you want to never visit that establishment or utilize that service ever again....

Money Does Not Grow On Trees

UNITED STATES—It’s a firm belief that as soon as you get it disappears into thin air. You might have an idea what I’m referring to, but on the other hand some of you still might be in the dark. I’m talking about money. I feel like the more you have the quicker it vanishes from your hands. Money just...

Graduate Gifting Dilemma

UNITED STATES—May and June, those are the two months that highlight milestones for most Americans: graduation season. You might have a youngster graduating from preschool, kindergarten or middle school. Then you have the big events, high school and college graduation. I think the next 5 years, I have graduations to attend, rather its middle school, high school or college,...

Summertime Activities

UNITED STATES—Summer does not officially kick off until June 21, but its warm enough in most parts of the country and the amount of sunlight is stretching beyond 9 p.m. in most parts of the United States. With that being said, many people are spending way more time outside, and that means it’s time to start thinking about summer...