SAN FRANCISCO—Dungeness Crab will be available soon for residents of the Bay Area, as crab season kicks off in the region. 

The capture of Dungeness Crab has been delayed for months. Crab pots were dropped  Monday, January 11 at 8 a.m. The catch should be ready by Wednesday at 8 a.m. and they could be available for public assumption by Wednesday night throughout the weekend. 

Fishermen do not plan on catching a big amount this year due to the unpredictable cycles of nature.

On December 23, 2020, Crab season officially started, but there were concerns of whales becoming trapped in fishing gear and fishermen and buyers could not agree on a price causing a delay.

Fisherman and buyers agreed on pricing on Friday, January 8, which ended a standoff regarding negotiations. The groups settled on less than $3 for a pound. 

The delay in crab season impacted fishermen during the holidays. Both fisherman and buyers lost a specific amount of money during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s due to delays.