SAN FRANCISCO—The San Francisco Bay Area-based company, Viral Guard Systems which started to give away plastic shields in March to combat against COVID-19 has turned into a successful business.
Viral Guard Systems created droplet guards made of plastic for workers at hotel, restaurant, coffee shop, catering service, bar or other business to keep themselves and customers safe. The types of viral guards include Hotel Viral Guards, Retail Viral Guards, Takeout Viral Guards, and they can also make customized versions with customer’s logo or a message.

The company was started by Oakland-based maker Devon Meyers who teamed up with several companies including The Great Northern and The Pawn Shop, to help people stay healthy during the pandemic. They made an idea of a laser-cutting shield and a viral protection shield, and founded Viral Guard Systems.
On March 27, they started a GoFundMe campaign to provide a vulnerable sector of people working for essential fields including pharmacy workers, local convenience store cashiers, restaurant staff handing over take out, gas station attendants, and small banks tellers with Viral Shield, which blocks any particles in the air. It can be easily cleaned, sanitized, and moved to another location. After they raised over $11,000 and gave a bunch of shields to workers, Viral Guard Systems decided to open the store to the general public.
Custom designs have a $100 custom design fee and a $350 order minimum. They do shipping and delivery.
For inquiries, call at (415) 938-8886 or send them a note here.