OAKLAND—On Thursday, June 20, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers took to the streets to hand out flyers describing a possible strike on Monday, July 1. All five of the unions in BART will vote on Tuesday, June 25, to decide whether or not they will go on strike.
The strike revolves around workers demanding increases in pay as well as better protection and coverage. A five percent raise over the span of three years is being requested by all union members of BART. BART is also demanding protection from the individuals in general who may try and harm them or disturb their work place, as this has allegedly been a problem in the past.
At this time, employees at BART have been asked to contribute $92 every month to go towards workers’ medical insurance. However, members of BART are demanding better pay and a safer workplace. If the strike occurs, it will reportedly be the first strike for BART since 1997.
By Nedda Alishahi