SAN FRANCISCO—On February 29, the San Francisco Fire Department demonstrated its new Rosenbauer Hose Tender and our Auxiliary above-ground water supply system.

The SFFD Department posted on their Facebook page that The Rosenbauer Hose Tender is designed to address potential water supply issues that may occur during a large-scale conflagration or after a seismic event. It will be utilized to supply as above-ground water main system or to apply water directly to a large fire in the event that the domestic water supply is compromised.

The Hose Tender is just one of many redundancies that the SFFD can use to ensure a water supply during exigent circumstances. It will be used to draft water from Lake Merced, Spreckels Lake, Blue Heron Lake, or San Francisco Bay. The three new Hose Tenders will be instrumental during a large-scale emergency response.

The SFFD thanked “@supervisorpeskin @joel_engardio @philting  Fire Commissioner Stephen Nakajo and distinguished guests for your support at this event 02-29-2024.”