SAN FRANCISCO—On Friday, March 29, the San Francisco PD disclosed that they made over 54 arrests and seized over 600 grams of narcotics during a one-day, multi-agency law enforcement operation. A vast majority of the persons arrested included dozens of wanted fugitives.
“Illegal activity will not be tolerated in and around the Tenderloin. We will be out in force making arrests for as long as it takes,” said Chief Bill Scott. “I want to thank our hard-working officers and our city partners for their commitment to this effort.”
The operation, which transpired throughout the day on March 27, was the latest large-scale enforcement operation that is part of the city’s Drug Market Agency Coordination Center. Of the 54 arrests – 34 individuals had outstanding warrants. Officers arrested 8 suspects for possession for sales of illegal narcotics. Other arrests were connected to possession of controlled substances, and possession of stolen property.
The SFPD is focused on enforcement at night around U.N. Plaza and other areas where illegal activity occurs. These operations will continue for the foreseeable future.
Wednesday’s operation included SFPD officers from the Narcotics Unit, Narcotics Drug Recognition Expert Team, Tenderloin Station Patrol/Violence Reduction Team, Tenderloin Plainclothes Team, and the Fugitive Recovery Enforcement Team. The Department of Parking and Traffic, Public Works, and Healthy Streets Operation Center assisted in the effort.
Abandoned items were removed from public areas, and verbal warnings were given during the operation in an effort to provide services to those in need and make our streets safer.
“The SFPD would like to thank the assistance of the San Franciso Sherriff’s Office, who were instrumental in this operation. Our efforts in taking wanted suspects off our streets and to hold individuals accountable for selling illegal narcotics and creating the drug crisis on our streets will make streets safer and save lives,” the SFPD said in a statement.