SAN JOSE — On August 25, 2020, San Jose State University (SJSU) released that Money magazine had reported SJSU was the most transformative college in the United States for 2020 – 2021.
According to Money magazine’s website, it determined the ranking by “graduation rates, earning, and student loan repayment.”
Money magazine estimates 62 % of SJSU students receive grants, and the average student debt is $15,720. 76% of SJSU students with the need to get grants and 86% of the need is met. Money magazine also evaluates SJSU’s graduation rate as 65%, which is 31% higher than other universities with similar student demographics.
“For the fall 2020 semester alone, San Jose State awarded aid to nearly 20,000 students, which is absolutely critical given the current budgetary climate. We will continue the important work to make college affordable and help alleviate the heavy financial burden felt by so many students and their families,” said SJSU President Mary A. Papazian. “While likely not surprising to the countless students whose lives and families have improved and changed forever by the academic and personal journey they have undertaken at San Jose State, this tremendous honor brings pride to every member of Spartan Nation.”
Money magazine had evaluated more than 700 universities in the U.S. and also selected SJSU as ranked the 24th top college, evaluated by affordable tuition fees, family borrowing, and expensive early career earnings.