CALIFORNIA—On Friday, March 5, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced that outdoor activities, such as amusement parks, can reopen in California starting Thursday, April 1.

In a news release, the Department of Public Health said that “outdoor ballparks, stadiums, and theme parks” can reopen “with significantly reduced capacity, mandatory masking and other public health precautions.”

California Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Mark Ghaly said with COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations being “significantly lower,” as well as “three highly effective vaccines and targeted efforts at aimed at vaccinating the most vulnerable communities, California can begin gradually and safely bringing back more activities, especially those that occur outdoors and where consistent masking is possible.”

Ken Potrock, President of Disneyland Resort, said in a statement on Twitter that they are “encouraged that theme parks now have a path toward reopening this spring, getting thousands of people back to work and greatly helping neighboring businesses and our entire community” and “look forward to sharing an opening date soon.”

This announcement from the CDPH comes four days after Governor Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers reached a $6.6 billion deal to have schools reopened by the end of March.

The CDPH reported on March 6 that more than 10.2 million vaccines have been administered in the state.  The “7-day positivity rate is 2.1% and the 14-day positivity rate is 2.3%,” as noted on its website.