Tag: Emma
Thomas Forrester Spills All On “Bold And Beautiful!”
HOLLYWOOD—I am trying to figure out precisely what the writers are planning on the CBS soap “The Bold and the Beautiful” with Thomas Forrester....
The Past Returns On “Bold And Beautiful!”
HOLLYWOOD—OMG, thank the powers that be at the CBS soap opera “The Bold and the Beautiful.” When Emma Barber died in that ‘car accident’...
Hope, Steffy Battle On “Bold And Beautiful!”
HOLLYWOOD—Ugh, just when I thought the battle between Steffy and Hope was over on the CBS soap “The Bold and the Beautiful,” the war...
“Bold And Beautiful” Love Triangle No More?
HOLLYWOOD—Can you believe it? The love triangle between Steffy, Liam and Hope might finally be caput on “The Bold and the Beautiful?” I never...
Stalker Revealed On “Bold And Beautiful!”
HOLLYWOOD—This is wild and really came out of left field in my opinion when it comes to the latest storyline development on the CBS...
Romance Blooms On “B&B!”
HOLLYWOOD—When one couple fizzles it just opens the doors for another couple to bloom, especially on the CBS soap “The Bold and the Beautiful.”...
“Bates Motel” Kicks Off Its Final Season!
HOLLYWOOD—Well, last season of the A&E hit “Bates Motel” took viewers by a massive surprise with the death of Norma Bates, yes, Vera Farmiga...
“Scream” Unleashes Its Halloween Special!
HOLLYWOOD—I can’t believe I totally forgot that MTV was doing a special Halloween episode of “Scream: The TV Series.” This episode was so packed...
Emma Zhou Sues San Francisco For Negligence
SAN FRANCISCO—Emma Zhou, 36, suffered injuries leading to paralysis below the waist after being struck by a falling tree branch in Washington Square, according...
“Scream” Recap: ‘When A Stranger Calls’
HOLLYWOOD—Man, the second season of the MTV Series “Scream” has been a hoot to watch, it’s been far better than the first season. After...