Point of View

Taking Debt Head On!

UNITED STATES—Debt it is the one thing that many Americans suffer from and it is something that can be quite debilitating at times. You stress about it, it causes you to have sleepless nights, creates tension at work and just prevents you from having that inner peace that you desperately crave. However, when it comes to debt it’s important...

Have Cancer…Must Return To Original Medicare During Enrollment!

UNITED STATES—Toni: Last year, I made a mistake when I retired and enrolled in a Medicare Advantage PPO plan because I understood from talking with retired co-workers and friends that this PPO plan was like a Medicare Supplement. Boy was I wrong! I need out Now!! I have been diagnosed with lung cancer and many of the cancer specialists and...

Money Spent Foolishly

UNITED STATES—Money it is the one commodity that we all want more of. For those who have plenty they always want more, for those without it they are always clamoring or working harder to obtain more of it. With that said, why is it when some of us have unexpected funds that fall into our laps we spend it...

Cisco 200-201 Exam Preparation With Dumps And Other Relevant Materials

UNITED STATES—The path to becoming a CyberOps professional is not as tough as they say, a knockout result in the Cisco 200-201 exam is operable for a diligent candidate. However, there are several agents that can make one’s performance unsuccessful. Can you think of one classic example? Well, it’s a common mistake for highly promising applicants to choose low-grade...

Fed Up With Lazy Employees

UNITED STATES—I can say that I have officially reached my tolerance level of dealing with people who are lazy, especially in the workplace. I can no longer bite my tongue or curb how I truly feel about people that I despise. Those individuals who are unwilling to give their all when they are scheduled to work, those who look...

Debate Debacle

UNITED STATES—I was absolutely stunned, disappointed and just horrified at the first presidential debate between Democratic nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump this week. I mean within the first 30 minutes I already wanted to tune out of the debate because I could not believe what I was watching. Look, I debated in high school, I was on...

Changes To Plan F Caused Medicare Supplement Premiums Rise!

UNITED STATES—Toni: We have received a 20 percent increase in our Plan F Medicare Supplement. I am a 70-year-old female in decent health, but my husband is undergoing cancer treatment at MD Anderson. Also, his cardiologist has advised him that he may need a pacemaker. I understand that Medicare Annual Enrollment is our time to change our Medicare Supplement plans....

Fall Is Here People!

UNITED STATES—This might be only me, but I am so glad that summer is over and fall has arrived. I love fall and I love this season because it encompasses everything I love: college football, apples, pumpkin, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, leaves, rain, autumn weather, fall clothing and so much more. Do you really want me to continue? One of...

You Are Responsible For Your Health

UNITED STATES—Health, it’s a loaded word, especially when people ask you how is your health. We are always inclined to say all is great, even in some incidents where that may not be the case. We like to hide or not fully deliver the truth when it comes to our health and where things stand. You sometimes have to...

Toxicity In Politics In America

UNITED STATES—There is just too much toxicity in America right now. I say that because it seems the level of hatred and just despicable behavior is constantly peaking and if I’m being honest, it has not even peaked. At the core of this chaos is politics. It feels like people just don’t want to hear or listen to opposing...
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