
Glued To Social Media And Technology

UNITED STATES—My sister shared something with me that baffled me: my niece is so drawn to her phone that she would be on it all day if it never had to be charged. She was sharing a story about how her daughter was supposed to be sleep as she had school the next morning. Granted, my niece is only...

What Happened To Healthy Debates?

UNITED STATES—I remember in high school I was a member of the debate team and the one thing I learned is that when you debate someone you have to listen to the other side of the argument. You cannot just focus on your argument because there are pros and cons to everything. You might say, well, what does that...

Reasons To Love Free Money

UNITED STATES—Who out there doesn’t like free money? I know I do, how about you? I think most Americans are alike; it seems the quicker that you get money the faster it disappears. When you factor in your monthly expenses between rent/mortgage, lights, gas, water, car payments, cell phone, cable, internet, groceries and anything else, there is very little...

Annoying Co-Workers

UNITED STATES—I know I’m not the only person who has those co-workers who the mere mention of their name or having an interaction with them drives you crazy. If anyone were to ever question my ability to be a team player it would immediately piss me off. Why? I do more than what most people do in a given...

Let’s Be More Active America

UNITED STATES—Spring has finally arrived America and with that being said I’m seeing more and more people outdoors. As soon as the weather gets slightly warm it’s like you see a complete change in the personality of people. I mean kids are outside playing, adults are running or jogging, the bicycles are out and yard work is being completed....

Why Such Hype For “Game Of Thrones?”

UNITED STATES—I tried, but for the life of me, I cannot understand the hype that so many people have for the HBO series “Game of Thrones.” I just kept hearing so much about this series, and the fact that its final season was going to be epic, I had to jump in and give the series a try. I’ve...

Spending Money For No Reason

UNITED STATES—Why do we do it? Why do we have those days where we just spend money knowing we shouldn’t be spending it to begin with? This is slightly different from buyer’s remorse because with that psychology, you initially want the item to begin with. However, to spend just to spend, places you in that situation when you know...

Living Life On Social Media

UNITED STATES—I have to pose an honest question to you: do you get tired of social media? I feel like the world we live in nowadays is completely dictated around social media outlets like Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Vine, the list goes on and on. There seems to be this programmed notion that every single thing we...

Do Not Waste My Time!

UNITED STATES—I feel like we live in a world where punctuality matters. You might ask me exactly what does that mean. Well, punctuality means being on time, but I sense people think they can meddle on the clock and no one will notice it. Well, in the professional arena many employers might not say something, but if you’re dealing...

It’s All Mental!

UNITED STATES—You might think from reading the TITLE this story might have something to do with mental health or psychology and you would be wrong. This column is more about the importance of exercise and how for so many Americans it’s more of a mental battle over everything else. Why would I make such a claim? It’s because I told...
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