SAN FRANCISCO—Iris Canada, a 100-year-old woman has been evicted from her house after 70 years. For the past two years, the owners had been trying to get Canada’s signature in order to convert the six unit building into condominiums, but Iris and her attorney refused to provide the signature.
The homeowners took Canada to court, claiming that she was in violation of her ‘life estate’ agreement. They alleged that Canada was not residing in the apartment and lived with her niece in Oakland, due to declining health conditions. According to reports, Canada’s niece, Iris Merriouns denied the allegations.
In April 2016, the courts ruled in favor of the landlords, concluding that Canada was in fact no longer living in the disputed apartment. The courts stated that Canada had failed to pay $100,000 in attorney’s fees. The notice requires the eviction to be completed by April 2017.
San Francisco Sheriff, Vicki Hennessy delivered the final notice of eviction to Canada’s house on Friday, February 10. Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the apartment and changed the locks.
Canada’s attorney complained that her medicine and wheelchair were locked inside the apartment. Dozens of protestors gathered at San Francisco’s City Hall to protest, calling Iris’s eviction ‘unethical.’