SAN FRANCISCO—In efforts to reduce the increasing cost of employee health care, the city of San Francisco is discussing the implementation of a program that will pay its employees for staying healthy.
The idea of taking preventative measures in city health care programs is one that has gained much popularity over the past decade, and San Francisco may be the next city to join in taking these kinds of measures. Despite being much healthier than most other American cities, the city’s personnel costs have been skyrocketing. Although there are already wellness programs in place, these are typically individually owned and operated. The program in discussion would find a way to accommodate to the various wellness needs for the city’s 20,000 employees. Due to the fact that the city’s job types vary, the potential program would provide health options for those who perform different duties throughout the day.
The San Francisco Health Services System currently provides medical care from Blue Shield, Kaiser, and the City Health Plan, and dental care from Pacific Union, Delta Care, and VSP.
Still in the very beginning stages, the city’s ultimate goal is to promote healthy lifestyles for its employees.
By: Katherine Noland