
HOLLYWOOD—This summer has indeed been a torturous season of CBS’ reality hit “Big Brother,” but it all culminated Wednesday night with the revelation of the winner who was none other than communications professor Andy Herren who had a total of 7 votes to Gina Marie’s 2 votes.  Andy won by a landslide which many people predicted.

The finale which boasted an extra 30 minutes and saw the return of the greatest BB player of all-time Dr. Will was a treat to watch.  I’ll be honest I was really watching the finale to see host Julie Chen address the houseguest about their vile behavior this season and the return of Dr. Will who has been M.I.A since “Big Brother: All-Stars.”

Our final three houseguests wereBrooklynloud-mouth GinaMarie, laid back, cunning ‘mastermind’ Spencer and the snitch/floater Andy.  GinaMarie was the winner of the first round of the HOH competition that saw the contestants holding onto their bar while being spun around on roller blades.  Andy was the victor of the second round of the HOH competition which was not an easy feat; it was both physical and skill which forced both Andy and Spencer to correctly place the evicted houseguest in order from first to last.

The final round saw GM and Andy go head to head in a round of questions of how the jury members would answer certain questions. To see the jury go toe-to-toe with Dr. Will Kirby was quite epic to say the least.  The excitement from Helen was speechless. Amanda was a bit stunned to see McCrae join the gang.  Amanda didn’t own up to her antics, Elissa did own up to behavior.  Candace took issue with her hatred for Amanda and it was quite stunning to discover Aaryn and Candace to put behind their differences.  It was unanimous that GM made a big move by getting Amanda out, but did nothing else beyond that point.

They admitted that Andy backstabbed everyone and give him credit for his tactic.  Will pointed out that Spencer was nominated multiple times and didn’t have any blood on his hands.  Will even admitted that not getting blood on his hands is a great way to win the game. The jury members continued to speculate on the most decisive player.  Great piece of advice, vote on the winner based how you choose to and not allow others to influence the final decision. In my opinion, the former BB great was a bit tame in his ‘grilling.’

The final HOH went to Andy who appeared to know the jury a lot more than GM.  It was deserving in my opinion.  You can tell GM isolated herself from the other jury members that she should have gotten to know better. Andy had to make a difficult decision in terms of who he would select to take to the final round to face the jury.  Andy made his final decision to vote to evict Spencer from the “BB” house.  Wow, that was a complete shock.  Another backstab as we all should have expected from the ‘rat.’  That means GM is at least getting $50,000 and I can’t believe that.

The grilling of the final two by the jury was quite impressive to say the least.  Amanda asked GM prior to joining ‘The Exterminators’ what was her biggest move, and she didn’t answer the question and fumbled quite a bit.  It was quite a disaster to say the least.

The same question was asked to Andy who admitted his biggest move was joining Amanda and McCrae and reporting back to his power couple to make sure any threats were eliminated. McCrae asked Andy why he should win because he backstabbed all of the jury members.  GM had to own up a bit to her actions and the deception that she played during the game, it was quite heartfelt.  Andy admitted that he was actually a ‘coward.’ Wow, that was amazing that he honestly admitted to his cowardly game play. He claimed to have loyalty, which I do not believe anyone in the jury bought.

Before the jury casts their vote GM and Andy spoke to the jury to make their final plea.  GM speech was more about attempting to get the jury to see her for who she is versus how she played the game.  Andy took the more strategic approach, using his mind to ensure that he was never a threat in the game.  He took a bit too much credit for making big moves, which he really did not do in my opinion.

We were treated to see David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Howard who discussed a bit about what transpired in the house.   Amanda was a bit stunned that America voted her because of the MVP twist. She took the revelation with grace and comedy, which I thought was quite epic. Howard was quite eloquent with his presence about the ugly comments that were made in the house; he really couldn’t have stated things in a better sense. I think the house was stunned when they discovered that they made national headlines for the behavior displayed in the house.  It was funny that Julie didn’t address any questions to Nick, David or Kaitlin.  My guess is they didn’t have that much of an impact on the house! Whose David?

The anticipation for who would win America’s Favorite Houseguest was a competitive race to say the least.  With so many people disliked in the house who could you really root for in my opinion?  The top three HG’s were Elissa, Judd and Howard. The award went to Elissa for MVP as she so deserved the prize; she was the most lovable contest this season in my opinion. It appeared a few houseguests were stunned by the revelation, but oh well; she’s walking away with an extra $25,000.  So to all the haters, keep on hating!

Seeing GM literally pounce on Nick after leaving the house was kind of awkward in my opinion.  Overall I must say I’m happy “Big Brother 15” has ended. It’s been the most talked about series of the summer.  I am really hoping for no new houseguests next season. Its time for another all-stars season, where the audience will be treated to some epic game play, competition beasts and people who truly know how and want to play the game.

By LaDale Anderson