Labor Week

Major Schooling Changes This Fall

UNITED STATES—Believe it or not America, many students have actually returned to the classroom. However, the notion of going back to school is NOT what it used to be. For starters, many schools (grade, middle, high and college) have decided to go virtual for the start of the school year, at least for the first half, it could spill-over...

Being Sick Sucks America!

UNITED STATES—I rarely get sick America, but when I do get sick it tends to be pretty bad. I recently came down with an illness that to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever had in my life: Pink Eye. Yeah, it’s not a pretty sight America and what’s worst is that it can irritate you to the high...

Electronic Documents Vs. Paper Documents?

UNITED STATES—I only do this about TWICE a year, but I have discovered that I should do it more often so it does not pile up. It’s shredding paperwork. I like to have paper documents of things because it allows me to actually see what is transpiring with my bank statement, my credit cards and my bills in general. I...

Businesses Are Closing Left And Right

UNITED STATES—The worry is becoming quite real for me right now. I cannot tell you how many businesses that I have seen shuttered their doors because of the coronavirus pandemic. This is something unlike anything ever seen or witnessed in my 30 plus years of life. However, seeing the number of businesses I’ve seen closed lately is beyond alarming...

Why Is Mail So Late Lately?

UNITED STATES—I know I’m not the only person experiencing this so I have to ask: has your mail been coming excessively late in recent weeks? If not you are lucky, but for me that is not the case. My mail has been coming very late, I recall just last week one day the mail came at 12 p.m., the...

Parents Are Hard To Shop For

UNITED STATES—Why, why is it so hard to shop for your parents America? This is something I struggle with all the time, especially my mother. My dad, I never have a problem finding a gift for him, but my mother, gosh, I’m always stressed to the limit to try to find the perfect gift. You all might be asking...

Should Criminals Be Released Because Of COVID-19?

UNITED STATES─The coronavirus pandemic has changed lives in ways that one cannot imagine. The safety of America has become a top priority. However, a question that has concerned me for months is rather the pandemic should be an excuse for criminals to get out of jail early? It is not a question that you can easily answer, if anything...

Black Friday Changing For 2020?

UNITED STATES─First it was Walmart, now Target, Best Buy, whose next? You might be wondering what the hell am I referring to it’s all about possible changes to Black Friday for 2020. At first, I was going to make the argument that Black Friday had immediately became Black Thursday; I mean most retailers opened their doors after 2 or...

Credit, Cash Or Debit?

UNITED STATES─I am pretty sure we have all been warned that when it comes to our spending habits that cash is king. Why? There is nothing like it, but in this day in age that we live in at the moment, it seems cash is not king. Why? Most establishments want you to pay for your service or products...

Stocking Up During A Pandemic

UNITED STATES─Life has been tough for many Americans since the coronavirus virus exploded in mid-March. I remember things are bad, so much to the point when you visited the grocery store you could NOT find food, paper towel, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, sanitizer was slim pickings if any at all. With that said, we are several months later and...
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