
A Good Walk Goes A Long Way

UNITED STATES—Let’s face it, Americans do not like to exercise. It is just a stark reality, but there are things that we can do to improve our physical and overall health. Precisely what does that mean? It means doing a little bit each day goes a long way. I will be the first to admit I’m a bit of...

To Loan Or Not To Loan Money?

UNITED STATES—I’m going over my expenses, income and finances and I’m not happy. I’m starting to realize that I’m spending money that I have not accounted for and that is a problem. I know my monthly expenses when it comes to electricity, gas, mortgage, cell phone, Cable, internet, insurance, transportation and groceries. After all the bills are paid, the...

A Hustle Is Always A Good Thing

UNITED STATES—Let’s just be frank America, many Americans have side hustles. Yes, you might have your typical 9-5 or that job that is your primary income, hell you might have a part-time gig as well, but then you have that side hustle that helps you bring in extra cash flow or income you might need for other things that...

The Streaming Wars Continue

UNITED STATES—When the notion of streaming first started to gain steam, I want to say perhaps six or seven years ago, I thought it might be a fluke, but that is NOT the case. Streaming is the new norm, if you’re not streaming than what the hell are you doing? The problem is that every streaming service is completely...

Resisting Impulse Purchases

UNITED STATES—I know I am not the only person who suffers from it, I’m referring to impulse purchases. I feel sometimes we have this engrained notion that if we go shopping or we visit an establishment where we can purchase goods we find this exact desire to purchase something. It feels almost foreign to visit an establishment and not...

Debate Does Not Have To Include Arguing

UNITED STATES—I think the world of debate is something we need more in this country. Too many people interchange the terms debate and arguing. They are NOT the same thing. A debate involves a discussion about an issue with individuals who have different stances. An argument tends to involve yelling and nothing gets accomplished that way. There is too much...

Banning TikTok, Is It Really That Important?

UNITED STATES—I truly cannot believe we are having this discussion. The House of Representatives passed legislation trying to put a ban on TikTok. I mean is this where we truly are as a society. I am not going to argue that social media doesn’t have its cons. It absolutely does because for so many tweens and teenagers it dictates...

Device Upgrade Affordability

UNITED STATES—I recently had an upgrade opportunity for my mobile service, not in particular my phone, but my iPad. I have had my iPad mini for close to a decade. It still works perfectly and I had no intention of getting rid of it because it works perfectly. The only issue was that a lot of apps that I...

Lame Bowl Ads

UNITED STATES—Tell me the last time you watched a Super Bowl ad that truly grabbed your attention; an ad that hooked you and forced you to inquire or actually purchase a product? I’m waiting. I’ll likely still be waiting because rarely do ads have an impact on Americans, even though there is this perception that a witty or clever...

An ‘I Love You’ Doesn’t Cost Money

UNITED STATES—Three little words, there are three words that are supposed to have a ton of meaning behind them, that some people say, but a lot of people don’t say at all. Any guesses as to what I am referring to? If you still haven’t figured it out, it is the words, “I Love You.” With Valentine’s Day this...
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