
Credit, Cash Or Debit?

UNITED STATES─I am pretty sure we have all been warned that when it comes to our spending habits that cash is king. Why? There is nothing like it, but in this day in age that we live in at the moment, it seems cash is not king. Why? Most establishments want you to pay for your service or products...

Pushing Yourself To Eat Healthy

UNITED STATES─There were both good and bad things that have come out of this pandemic. For starters, I have been doing much more cooking at home. On the flipside, I’ve wanted to eat out a bit more from doing so much cooking at home. So it is a double edged sword. We all know, and it is no absolute...

Rules About Being In Public

UNITED STATES─Why is it that some people fail to behave properly in public? That is something that has always bugged me and I’ve never quite been able to explain why that is. I mean we’re in a pandemic and people still behave like animals and just despicable human beings in the public sphere. You might be saying what specifically...

Family Bonding Time

UNITED STATES─If the coronavirus has taught us anything, it’s to be extremely appreciative of family. Being resigned to the house with family for weeks and months in some cases, it’s tough. You love your family, but at times they can push your buttons in ways that are not the easiest to grapple with. However, I would not trade this...

Buying Just To Buy

UNITED STATES─I have been spending a bit of money lately, because when you’re sheltered in place for a period of time, and you have the opportunity to get out and spend a bit of green which you have amounted in the past few months rather it’s from working overtime or unemployment, you want to treat yourself a bit. However,...

Will It Be Safe To Go Back To School?

UNITED STATES─It is the question that almost all parents including myself want answers to: will it be safe to send our kids back to school when fall arrives? If you were to ask me this question 2 months ago, I would argue without a doubt it should not be a problem. Ask me that same question today and I...

The Needs Vs. The Wants

UNITED STATES─If there is one thing I have learned in recent months it is how to be better with my money. I’ve come to the realization that just because I want something does not necessarily mean I need it. I know this sounds bad, but this pandemic might have been one of the best things that could have happened...

Baby Steps In Midst Of COVID-19

UNITED STATES─I would be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that I am slightly concerned with people letting their guard down during this pandemic with the ruse that all is ok and we can return back to normal. I wish that was the truth, but it is not. Things will never return to the norm, at least not for the...

Violence And Hate Overload In America

UNITED STATES─I don’t know how to say this, but I have been disgusted with the level of violence and hate that has seemed to take over our country in recent weeks. It just feels like people’s propensity for violence, being vile and just despicable human beings have reached an all-time high. I don’t get it, I’m trying to get...

Scrutiny In Public Opinion

UNITED STATES─We have all been told that we have the Freedom of Speech, and while that is true for the most part, there are indeed some limits to that constitutional right people. For anyone who has ever studied constitutional law, you know there are limits to Freedom of Speech, in particular when it comes to the imminent lawless action...