SAN FRANCISCO—On Monday, March 30, a four-hour police standoff and barricade situation ended with the surrender of a potentially suicidal NoPa man.
Authorities from the San Francisco Police Department responded to the man’s home, located on the 400 block of Lyon Street, near the intersection of Lyon and Hayes Streets.

Following an officer response at 6:45 p.m., the 44-year-old barricaded man, whose identity remains unknown, responded to a police loudspeaker, eventually agreeing to meet officers at the door at approximately 10:40 p.m.
The man was detained by officers without struggle or conflict and subsequently transported to a nearby hospital for psychological evaluation.
Prior to the man’s surrender, it was unknown whether he was armed or dangerous. Instead of rushing the residence themselves, a hostage negotiator was brought to the scene, while a tactical team set-up a perimeter around the property to ensure the safety of surrounding residents.
During the four-hour barricade standoff, a shelter-in-place order was given throughout the NoPa neighborhood, as residents were asked to remain within the safety of their homes.
The extra caution taken by law enforcement may have been the result of a fatal standoff that took place in San Jose last week, one in which officer Michael Johnson was shot and killed by a despondent and potentially suicidal Scott Dunham.
The San Francisco Suicide Prevention has a 24-hour hotline that anyone in distress may call and receive help. The number for the crisis hotline is (415) 781-0500.