Tag: republicans

Healthcare 101

UNITED STATES—For years we have had this ongoing debate between Republicans and Democrats about the issue of healthcare and health insurance in the United...

Supreme Court Melee

UNITED STATES—Well, we are back at it once again people. Democrats and Republicans are wielding their level of immaturity and power once again to...

Maxine Waters’ Face-Off With Washington Scumbags!

HELLO AMERICA!—Thanks to the media we are getting a fair sense of what is happening in the streets, and the cities of our nation. With...

Affordable Health Care Act Here To Stay

UNITED STATES—Well Donald Trump, um, President Donald Trump, you don’t always get what you want. Yeah, after months of professing to the American public...

Time To Focus On Issues For The Presidency

UNITED STATES—Well, we all knew the time was coming and with less than 3 months before the presidential election, I’m ready to halt all...

Unfavorable Candidates In The Political Arena

UNITED STATES—Well, it’s a given we have our candidates from the Republican Party (Donald Trump) and the Democratic Party (Hillary Clinton) for the race...

What Could Happen At The Republican Convention?

UNITED STATES—I will admit this has been an exciting year in politics. It seems the race for The White House always finds a way...

What Is Being Debated People?

UNITED STATES—I’m frustrated with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election and for good reason. I seriously cannot recall the last time so much BUZZ has...

“Senate Mob” Film Shakes Up Washington Plot

HELLO AMERICA!—It seems that Washington and its closeted politicians are about to feel the heat again! Two very ambitious "Sundance" filmmakers Robert Hashberry and...

Death Of A Supreme Court Justice

UNITED STATES—This weekend sad news rocked the nation, as it was announced that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had died in Texas on February...
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