Tag: stress

Exercise Starts With A Commitment

UNITED STATES—Commitment. It is a word that many of us fear. However, it is a commitment that pushes us to accomplish things that we...

Having A Bad Day, Just Breathe!

UNITED STATES—I will be the first to admit it: we all have bad days. It is part of life. If someone comes to you...

Fighting Against Insanity

UNITED STATES—Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. I know I’m NOT the only person who has...

Stress Changing Medicare Plan

UNITED STATES—Morning Toni: When I first got Medicare, I picked a Medicare supplement plan F. Two years ago, I was approached by a telemarking...

Considering A Career Change?

UNITED STATES—With a new year brings new opportunities. I know I’m not the only person in this boat. Let’s all say it: 2020 was...

So Long 2020, Hello 2021!

UNITED STATES—There are SO MANY people out there who CANNOT wait till 2020 is left in the past and we can usher in 2021....

Money Blues

UNITED STATES—What is it about money that just stays on the brain no matter how hard we fight to rid ourselves of it? Money...

Stressing Over Gift Buying

UNITED STATES—I don’t know why I allow it to transpire to me every single year, but it happens: I stress over gift buying. What...

Go To Sleep Early, Sleep Better!?

UNITED STATES—There is something that I have had trouble with as long as I have lived: sleeping. I think it really started when I...

The Anxiety Of An Election

UNITED STATES—I have never had this level of anxiety waiting for the results of a presidential election for as long as I can remember....