HELLO AMERICA!—Remember when we delighted in listening to the wonderful sounds from The Carpenters and later Donnie and Marie? Well not to worry, we have been made aware of another brother and sister duo who are not only brilliant singers but they write their own material as well. They would like to be known simply as Tristan & Summer to the world and when I heard a sample of their music; believe me that’s all you need to know. These Las Vegas kids are destined to rock the music industry right where it turns everything into pure gold!
During one of their trips to Hollywood, I was introduced to the new kids and it turned out being a magical experience. We had lunch at the Farmers Market and talked for hours about showbiz, music, the theatre and their dreams of becoming a member of the Hollywood family. We even walked through the many shops and stores singing songs from our favorite motion pictures. Both Tristan and Summer play the piano and it so happened we spotted a piano in one of the eateries and decided to rush in and try it out.
It was wonderful, Tristan sat down and began playing, Summer and I began to sing, attracting people passing by; it turned out being reminiscent of a master shot from any MGM or Warner musical. People loved it, the management and people begged for us to continue. What an experience which could only happen in the town that I love Hollywood.
Tristan admitted that ever since he was just a small kid, his dream was to sing and dance in a film or on TV and now it seems that his dreams are slowly coming true.
“We’ve been talking with a few producers and directors asking us to consider one of their shows and that’s quite exciting,” Tristan said. “Of course, we’re listening to the advice of our agent and realistically consider which might mean a major step forward. Living in Vegas, we’ve performed in numerous clubs and shows; we’re very comfortable dealing with people, the camera and anything that goes with making a show special.”
Summer has even a greater vision of where she and her brother could end up.
“I believe it’s time,” she declared, “that another sister and brother team hit the tube. It represents family, unity, something the American audience has always enjoyed and looked forward to when it comes to entertainment. It inspires other young people to try and make something of their lives, especially today.”
She reminded that they have enough original material for a two season run. “Debbie Reynolds and Carlton Carpenter might be the past BUT Tristan and Summer are here, ready to sock it to ‘em!”
It seems the Crookstons are heading in the right direction because they recently received an offer to appear in a Broadway production, but hesitating to see what happens to their dreams in La La Land. “Of course, we love Broadway, who doesn’t? But our dream ever since we were kids was making it happen on a Hollywood film stage. And that’s what we’re shooting for!”