BEVERLY HILLS—My name is “Bentley”, and a lot of heads turn when I’m out on my walks. Everyone says that I’m very beautiful, but being a boy, I’d really prefer to be called handsome – if you don’t mind.
I’m a Poodle mix about nine months old, and I’m very friendly with everyone.   I love my walks and have great leash manners.  So, you don’t have to worry about me pulling you all over the place.  I’m still a puppy, so I do have a lot of energy.  However, I like to sit quietly and cuddle, too, as I’m a very affectionate boy.
I know how to “sit”, and you’ll find that I’m a very fast learner. I hate to brag, but I’ve heard that Poodles are very, very smart.  That isn’t to say that other dogs aren’t smart, but, well, you know what I mean.
I wonder if you know that Poodles originated in Germany and we were given the name “Pudel”, which means “one who plays in water”, as we were originally used for water retrieving.  See, I bet that I taught you something!
I’d be great with a family, couple, or single person – I’m not fussy.  Just so I’m given lots of love, as I have lots of love to give in return.
If you’d like to see my “full body shot”, and all of my doggy and kitty friends that I have here, I hope that you will check the website, which is:  Then, I sure hope that you will call to meet us in person!

(310) 479-5089


By Vi Logan