WASHINGTON DC—Black Lives Matter protesters shouted at liberals celebrating presidential candidate Joe Biden’s victory on the Black Lives Matter Plaza on 16th Street, leading up to the White House. The mural, consisting of giant yellow letters that spell “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” was commissioned by Mayor Muriel Bowser. 

A man with a megaphone chanted, line by line, with the surrounding crowd echoing him. The crowd told the liberals that they were “fools” who are using the plaza as a “tourist attraction,” and should leave.

Video clip of confrontation on Black Lives Matter Plaza

“For all of you f–king journalists. For all of you white liberals who have been celebrating, getting drunk off your asses about Biden winning this election, you are all a bunch of f–king fools. Get it together. Get your s–t together and keep this in mind. You are using this plaza as a tourist attraction. You are all acting like this is f–king Disney World. This is not f–king Disney World. You are all colonizing this place for your own benefit,” shouted the individual.

During election week, pro-Biden crowds gathered on the Black Lives Matter plaza with anti-Trump signs with slogans that read “You’re Fired!” and “F–k Off!” Others carried effigies depicting Trump as a baby. Joe Biden was declared the President-Elect on Saturday, November 7 with 273 electoral votes.

The man with the megaphone said that his group had the right to occupy the Black Lives Matter Plaza stating:

“We will not have it here. We are not going anywhere. We’re still going to be here protesting for black, brown, indigenous, trans, queer, and binary people who have been killed by police.”

Videos of Black Lives Matter protesters opposed to both Trump and Biden as well as other liberals emerged on Twitter. 

Twitter user Anoncat uploaded a video of a mix of Black Lives Matter and pro-Biden supporters. People chanted: “F–k Donald Trump. F–k Biden too. Both of them don’t give a f–k about you.”

Twitter video of BLM protesters chanting against Biden and Trump.

In Southeast Portland, a Biden supporter asked a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters to “be peaceful” as they harassed him outside his home.

The video, uploaded on Twitter, began with the man trying to calm the protesters: “There’s my sign. Don’t destroy anything. Be peaceful.”

A woman in the crowd said, “No one cares about your white ass opinion.” 

She replied: “Who do you think you are telling black people how to protest, you f–king white privileged ass old man.”

On election night in Portland protesters went into the streets in Southeast Portland.

Another woman said, “You ask for a peaceful protest. It’s white supremacy!” 

The independent online news site, which often features opinion pieces, Biz Pac Review, called Black Lives Matter an American Black supremacist organization involved in “widespread rioting, assault, arson, vandalism, looting, and—in some cases—even murder.”

The Guardian estimates at least 25 Americans were killed during Black Lives Matter-related riots in 2020 as of October 31, including protesters, law enforcement workers, bystanders, and shopkeepers. One of the most publicized early deaths was that of an Oakland federal officer in late May. 

On October 17, Black Lives Matter and Antifa-associated protesters attacked conservative pro-Trump demonstrators near the Twitter Headquarters in San Francisco. One man’s two front teeth were knocked out with another half way out. The conservative protesters were participating in a “free speech” rally, expressing dissatisfaction with Twitter policies. 

Black Lives Matter has an official website and Twitter page. Individuals took part in protests against police brutality, both in association with the movement and independently. Assistant Pastor Ray Fung of San Francisco Bible Church, who was doing a sermon series on the Black Lives Matter movement, said the group “thrives on hate” and that individuals who say the slogan “Black Lives Matter” may not realize they are associating with that organization. 

Radio stations such as KQED-FM, based in San Francisco, also echoed BLM propaganda about “white privilege” during the summer of 2020. Black Lives Matter influence and talk of “white privilege” and “critical race theory” even entered British schools, which was an issue discussed in the British Parliament during a meeting in the October of 2020.  

San Francisco community members associated Black Lives Matter with the San Francisco Unified School District School Board members and policies, including curriculum inspired by the movement.

A Twitter user under the screen name “SFGAL” complained about BLM influence to a school board member. Board member Alison Collins echoed BLM propaganda calling those who disagreed with her, associates of “white supremacy.”

An angry community member complains on Twitter about Board member behavior and BLM influence