SAN FRANCISCO—South San Francisco officials have announced that a Mercedes-Benz dealership will be built to replace the Orchard Supply Hardware building and a shopping center. The City of South San Francisco’s Planning Commission unanimously approved the building of the dealership on Thursday, July 2.

Alan Wong, the Vice-Chair of the city’s planning commission, favored the proposal, however, he advised the dealership to cooperate with residents of surrounding neighborhoods to ensure that the building of the dealership would not cause a disturbance. Some residents expressed apprehension that the dealership could result in excessive light and noise.

However, Ash Zaki, an executive for Mercedes-Benz, ensured that the light from the dealership would not be directed at residents’ homes and would be dimmed at night. Additionally, staff of the dealership will direct test drives to Interstate 280 rather than to residential streets.

The dealership will span from 2211 to 2245 Gellert Boulevard. The service center will be 30,000 square-feet and the showroom will be 80,000 square-feet. The dealership will also feature 588 parking spaces. Mercedes-Benz of San Francisco has been in the city since 1961.