WESTWOOD—On October 31, the UCLA faculty voted in favor of making a one quarter-long diversity course a degree requirement for students of all majors.

The initiative, which passed amongst UCLA faculty by a margin of 332 to 303, will become university policy if approved by both the Academic Senate’s Legislative Assembly and the Academic Senate’s Undergraduate Council.

If passed, the degree requirement will begin applying to all of UCLA’s 2015 incoming freshmen and 2017 junior-level transfer students.

Courses that would fulfill the requirement will be offered in a variety of departments, making UCLA the eighth University of California School to adopt such a degree requirement.

Opponents of the change have cited budget issues and the burdening of students with additional coursework as reasons to maintain the school’ current degree requirements.

Voting in the Academic Senate’s Legislative Assembly and the Academic Senate’s Undergraduate Council will take place in the coming weeks.