CALIFORNIA — On Wednesday, February 17, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) revealed in a news release that the department encountered a security breach.

In a news release, the DMV said its “systems have not been compromised” and said it is “unknown” if data “shared with the company [Automatic Funds Transfer Services, Inc] has been compromised” but noted that “an investigation is under way.”

The Automatic Funds Transfer Services, Inc (AFTS) was “a victim of a ransomware attack in early February that may have compromised information,” according to the DMV.  The information goes back nearly two years.

When the DMV was notified of this, it “immediately stopped all data transfers to AFTS and notified law enforcement” and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).

Voter registration, birthdates, social security numbers, driver’s license information, and immigration status have not been compromised.

Steve Gordon, Director of the California DMV, said “data privacy is a top priority” and is currently being investigated “in order to quickly provide clarity on how it may impact Californians,” stated the news release.

In addition, Gordon said the department is “looking at additional measures to implement to bolster security to protect information held by the DMV and companies we contract with.”

The DMV urges customers to contact law enforcement if they suspect any activity.